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Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Fall in Love with CoCoSoRi

Coco, known from our previously mentioned and eternal favorite, Blady and Sori, star of IDOLM@STER and Mix9, are a duo we ADORE. They just released their first song together since 2016 (their year of debut, too) after a break for reality shows and a lovely solo from Coco. In addition to being singers, they also have a youtube channel dedicated to vlogs, anime, and all sorts of fun stuff. Check it out along with Coco's own channel! There's a lot of content from them, often subbed in English as Coco is fluent, so you never get bored being a fan.

Their vocal & dance cover of Sailor Moon Crystal OP "MOON PRIDE" by Momoiro Clover Z
(a song I performed once! the people that filmed it never sent it to me. rip)

Their newest song Miamor (Mi Amor = My Love in Spanish) is a love song with a latin dance ballad flair, though my Korean isn't very good so I'm leaving it at that for now, being unable to translate much more than "don't stop", "I love you," and "dugundugun my heart beats." The video is about love too, both girls on vacation spot a mega hottie and fall in love. They stalk him, gaze upon him, and date him on their own, things going their generally hilariously as their videos do, and dance with him. It turns out, as they wake up surprised they're kissing each other instead of him, that it was all a dream. In the end, love never blossomed except possibly between Coco and Sori. We love love.

Cocosori haven't had many songs but they are memorable, hilarious, so so cute, and queens of high energy and a little out-there concepts. A little out-there is one of our favorite genres. Get into it.


Dark Circle (debut)

Check out their twitters!
Coco // Sori 

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