Loonaverse Theory: part 1 / part 2 / part 3 (current)
In "ViViD," Heejin creates a universe full of color, art and creativity. In the following videos, we see that this world values self-reflection, friendship, perseverance and goodness. However Yeojin's solo "Kiss Later" gives us a negative example of how to live life: by rejecting her spirit guide, she beomes a victim of her own situation, leaving her lost in the loonaverse.
As if in tribute to "ViViD," "Kiss Later" opens in an elaborate, rococo style house. Like the tender and loved Jesus in the manger, Yeojin is offered presents by handsome, worldly men. Her doting suitor offers her glittery shoes on a pillow, and her life is perfect like clockwork: "every morning, you show up at nine o'clock." This is Yeojin's fantasy fairy-tale, a perfect high society lifestyle.
Unfortunately, an intrusive nightmare forces her to wake-up.
Yeojin's reality is much different from her dream. It is symbolized by the disgusting, ordinariness of a frog. Modernly, frogs are are associated with the dirtiness of a swampy, the immoral lifestyle that brings down a plague or the poison secreting from the skin of delicious but tricky prey. However, frogs are also ancient symbols of fertility (bordering on promiscuous sexuality) and good luck.
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He defiles but not de-flies the sacred dish of Delicious Cake |
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Yeojin's unconscious thoughts want attention. He teases and begs for her to consummate their relationship with a kiss, much like the tale of the The Frog Prince. A quick synopsis of the fantasy follows:
The Frog Prince's protagonist is a lovely princess, who wanders around one day with a golden ball from her palace, which is a symbol for her cleanliness, goodness and innocence, but also gives the audience a hint to her snobbish lifestyle. When she drops the golden ball, a frog appears and offers the ball back for different things depending on the version: to share a meal in house, to sleep on her pillow, a kiss from her lips, etc. The princess says yes and takes her golden ball, but does not plan to live up to her promise. Eventually, an authority figure, usually her father, reminds her of her royal duty to keep her word, and in the end, the frog takes his final form; from tadpole, to frog, to prince! The princess is, of course, delighted, and they live happily ever after.
More reading on The Frog Prince.
Like in the myth, Yeojin eats with the frog, representing the formation of important communal bonds. Similarly, the frog enters her room, a reference to a passionate wedding night. And yes, he does want a kiss as well.
However, Yeojin constantly rejects the frog. The creature is the dark, disgusting, sexual side of her that she s not ready for. She is caught up in the ideal of her as a perfect princess. The frog is the shadow that follows her, but she does not want to accept. Much unlike a hero, she rejects the call the action.
Refusal of the summons converts the adventure into its negative. Walled in boredom, hard work, or 'culture,' the subject loses the power of significant affirmative action and becomes a victim to be saved.Joseph Campbell
Yeojin is the notoriously "lost member" of Loona, who has no place in a subunit. Loonatheworld's description for the video "Sonatine" asks us "Can [the girls of 1/3] save YeoJin?" Because of Yeojin's refusal to accept her personal adventure, she has become a victim in need of saving. Instead of finding her prince, she ironically transforms into what she was scared of.
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Said it once and I'll say it again: pretty is not mandatory |
Stay tuned for more Loona!
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