To prepare for your dreams coming true, make sure you’re hydrated, fed, and open-hearted then watch the video.
Once your prep is complete, the first step is understanding WJSN’s thematic consistency throughout their entire videography.
WJSN or 우주소녀 (WuJu SoNyeo) or 宇宙少女 (Yǔzhòu Shàonǚ) or Cosmic Girls have stuck to their namesake and have released truly otherworldly videos and songs. They’re magical space princesses and you love them. I really want to give more backstory to the group as a whole but this already three whole steps. You avoid the 13 member bio for now.
The pic above is their from their debut MV Momomo and the first instance of their purpley space background. The video as a whole, though could easily have its own analysis post, doesn’t directly connect to Dreams Come True so I’m not gonna get into it. But the only videos excluding this imagery are Momomo's sister Catch Me which is a gay anthem dance video showing off their cool & sexy charms and Kiss Me, a cosmetic ad in MV form.
Even Happy, one of my favorite songs from one of my favorite albums, uses the same imagery briefly despite having no mysterious space witch fantasy vibe. The story is about a dodgeball game. It’s amazing.
Spoiler alert, Step 2 is Know Secret but before we go on with that, I’ll put a little more thought into their super cute unicorn-filled I Wish. This video doesn’t seem to have too concrete of a plot, it’s mostly just them being adorable in a fantasy world, but there is a bit of a story and a lot of mystery in the settings.
If you put it in the context of Dreams Come True, it’s easy to imagine the fireflies are guiding the girls toward each other, possibly becoming the lanterns at the end.
More involved in the worldbuilding than the story are the wall and the doors. Wall, forcefield, dome, whatever it is, whatever you want to see it as, it’s first established as a filter for the security camera watching the maze.
The wall only opens once too, a small hole forming above the girls in the nest which the fireflies exit through. Right before the hole appears, Bona beats a game she’s playing on my dream phone and earns a “Clear!” Are they controlling the wall or trying to escape? Are the fireflies going to meet the other girls or escaping themselves? Are they on their own adventures outside of the story of this video? I’m not sure myself, maybe we have to contextualize further with their other videos and look back on this later. Feel free to leave your thoughts in comment form!
A huge tie-in to DCT are the huge amount of super adorable pastel and rainbow electronics. The girls spend the video playing games, communicating with each other, and building a model unicorn, on these decoden devices. I hope you're taking notes!
Of course, through the entire video, we see the same magical sky WJSN lives under.
Another important scene of note, possibly the most important, it seems here that Dawon is marrying Mei Qi and Xuan Yi aka the Lesbian Chinese Billionaires. Congratulations ladies!
So now you see the mysterious pinky purple skies and are heavily acquainted with I Wish. Make sure you rehydrate, stretch, and watch DCT again before you begin Step 2.
Yay! Their aesthetic is so perfect and i love it